Wonder`full Volume Colorist – Can mascara darken eyelashes?

Wonder`full Volume Colorist Mascara

I’m back after two weeks of using only Rimmel Wonderfull Volume Colorist mascara. I started eyelashes darkening treatment with thought of natural, dark and expressive eyes, which supposed to happen while regular use of mascara with formula rich in nourishing and colouring ingredients. Did it work? Read the review below.

What was the situation before treatment?

The issue of fine and pale lashes was following me for years. Going out without mascara was impossible, because then my eyes had no definition. I had to use thickening and very intense mascaras and additionally optically thicken lashes by using eyeshadow or eye pencil on a lashes line. I have already tested few lengthening and thickening conditioners, but they haven’t brought any result. Darkening mascara was a great surprise to me!

How did Rimmel Volume Colorist work?

Wonder`full Volume ColoristThe best in darkening treatment with Rimmel is that it isn’t another thing added to the list of things to do in everyday routine. We apply mascara everyday when we perform basic make-up, so all I had to do was to switch my mascara on Wonder`full Volume Colorist. It seems like nothing, but in reality it saves our time and we do not have to deal with additional treatments.

The formula itself is pleasant, highly pigmented and expressively black. On the first sight, it is just a standard mascara and we feel no difference while wearing it. Wonder`full Volume Colorist administers well, does not clump lashes or leave lumps. As a mascara it was nothing special, because promised thickening and lengthening effect wasn’t too spectacular. It just outlines eyes. I testes better mascaras when it comes to those criteria, but with Rimmel Volume Colorist it is about long lasting effect.

What are the results of Volume Colorist use?

I will be brief. It works! I never even assume that ordinary (or rather extraordinary!) mascara can have beneficial influence on natural appearance of eyelashes. What have I noticed on my lashes? In the first week of close observation of eyelashes after everyday make-up removal, there was no difference. I was afraid that I may doing something wrong.

Effects started to be visible in the second week. Everyday, complex of colouring ingredients of Rimmel Volume Colorist acted upon lashes structure for all those hours until effect stared to be visible. My eyelashes became darker, first at their roots and after two weeks of treatment on their entire length, and my eyelashes are darker for at least four tones!