Neulash eyelash serum is available in 3,2-mililiter and 6-mililiter bottles. These little containers are packed into white and blue cardboard boxes. Both versions of the cosmetic, regardless of the capacity, are characterized by fairly high price.
It cannot be stated that Neulash eyelash serum works fast. The first effects are noticeable after three months of application. Additionally, the length, thickness, and nourishment of eyelashes are hardly improved. To clarify, eyelashes are not able to double their length nor thickness. What is more, throughout the complete course of the treatment, all changes that might be observable are just minor improvements in terms of eyelash curl and darkening of their colour. The main aim of Neulash is to counteract not only eyelash loss but also aging of these eyelids’ hair. The reason of deteriorated condition of eyelashes may be caused by wearing heavy make-up and tough make-up removal, aging of organism, treating eyelashes with an eyelash curler (no matter if a regular or a heated one), eyelash perm and unskilful false eyelash attachment.
When it comes to Neulash eyelash serum application, it should be performed every single evening only on prepared eyelid skin.
With the use of a brush, one has to draw a thin line on eyelash base of upper eyelids. The product is expected to do not run down into eyes despite its liquid consistency. Thing worth mentioning, at the beginning of the treatment, one can experience slight tingling sensation. Point often overlooked, pregnant women and the ones breastfeeding as well as people having their eyes treated by an eye-doctor should consult a physician before starting applying Neulash.
The composition of Neulash eyelash serum is full of substances responsible for moisturization of both eyelashes and eyelid skin. These ingredients are, for example, biotin, hyaluronic acid, pumpkin seed extract and B5 vitamin derivative, also known as panthenol. While reading the composition of the product, one can come to a conclusion that Neulash has more in common with simple eyelash care than with extending and improving density of these. Basically, Neulash positively influences the condition of eyelashes, retaining water inside each and every eyelash and maintaining, at the same time, appropriate level of hydration. This in turn, counteracts eyelash falling out, breaking these and weakening.
– Moisturizes eyelashes and eyelid skin
– Strengthens eyelashes
– Two various capacity versions to choose
– Irritations at the beginning of the treatment
– Neither lengthens nor improves density
– High price